Tremont Goodie Shop


The Tremont Goodie Shop
AKA The Original Goodie Shop
2116 Tremont Center
Upper Arlington, OH 43221
T: 614-488-8777

Mon-Thurs: 7am – 6pm
Fri: 7am – 7pm 
Sat: 7am – 5pm
Sun: Closed

Cost: Ranging from .40 and up

It is hard for me to not be biased about bakery items. Sweets and candy are my demise. However, I was completely blown away by the Tremont Goodie Shop.

I went there expecting to just have some pastries and probably get my week fill of sweet goodness. However, there is so much more to this bakery than just amazing pastries.
I have to tell you that this place has a history to match the caliber of its goodies.

I talked to the owner and she told me that they were the third generation of bakers. The bakery was purchased in 1967 by the family. Decades later,  a member of the family took over the bakery, it shortly went under soon after.

Now, here’s where the story gets sweet (pun intended). The community came together and helped the family reopen the bakery. While the owner told me the story, and I saw how much this meant, I couldn’t help but feel so happy to be in that place hearing that story and realizing just exactly why the community cared so much about this bakery.

See, places like this bakery show how much hard work goes into family owned businesses. Sometimes the hustle and bustle of big corporate owned places makes us forget about the families who go through generations and generations involved in these types of family trade. It makes us forget that these places are the heart and soul of America, the American Dream, and what it is to make something out of nothing.

I was so touched by this story and by the overwhelming amount of community support this bakery has.

Now, to the review.

I sampled a bit of everything there. How could I not? So let me tell you about the MUST HAVES.
The cinnamon sticks are about the most heavenly thing I’ve ever eaten. Imagine the best part of a cinnamon roll, you know the middle part that you can’t wait to get to? Well, imagine a stick that is entirely that perfect middle part. Yep, to die for. Somehow I need to get my hands on that secret recipe!

The next thing I would have to tell you to try, would be the buttercream cookie. They have them of all shapes and sizes, but the smiley face cookie is the signature item.

Other sweets that are just the epitome of bakery goodness would be the cream puff, the thumbprint cookies, the white- chocolate cherry cookie, and get a shot of the peanut butter icing (peanut butter lovers- you’ll thank me later)!

I can honestly say this place had some of THE best cookies and pastries I’ve had. And everything is made from scratch, making it so much better.
What you need to know:
This bakery does large orders of cookies or pastries
They offer Gluten Free Products, imported in to ensure no contamination of flour, etc.
They serve coffee from a local brewer, Crimson Cup Coffee
They make wedding cakes, birthday cakes, themed cakes, any cake you can imagine, really!
They also make Buckeyes that are themed! So little Leprechaun Buckeyes for St. Patty’s or Bride and Groom Buckeyes for weddings, you name it!

If you’re looking for something not so sweet, they do serve a homemade chicken pot pie and a variety of Quiche. The chicken pot pie is perfect. It has no veggies in it, just packed with chicken and gravy and is absolutely mouthwatering! Oh, did I mention the pot pie crust? Yeah, I could sit and eat it all day! It is made from scratch and let me tell you, you won’t find a better pot pie around.

Overall, I would definitely say this is one of the best if not THE best bakery I’ve ever been to. The history, the amazing family that owns it, and the sweets are a perfect combination for a great stop!

5/5 Spoons


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