
My name is Erica Fouty and I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio. Although one of my passions is staying somewhat physically fit, eating food and enjoying the food that the world has to offer is one of my favorite things to indulge in. I have been to 13 countries as of this year and have enjoyed some local cuisine a well as some strange delicacies.

Growing up, my grandmother, mother, and aunt were such fantastic cooks. Every Christmas the women in the family would get together for a weekend of Christmas baking (which included anything from homemade snickers, to divinity, to turtles).  Three years ago, for Christmas, the female grandchildren received the family binder of all of our family recipes.

I love to eat. And that’s what this is about. You don’t have to have a PhD in food to know what tastes good and what would be better to feed to stray animals.

I came up with this idea after a terrible experience at a restaurant in Columbus. Why not share my experiences domestically and abroad, focusing on one city at a time- Columbus, my home town.

Columbus has some of the most specialized restaurants of any city I’ve been to. So this blog is more of a guide for locals and people traveling through the city